A new film by IAWA leader Charles Hale!

    How It’s New York: Charles R. Hale runs the Irish American Writers and Artist’s Salon, which is a New York treasure. Many terrific writers, actors, musicians show up there every week!
    How It’s Irish: the subject of the movie is Charles’ search for an ancestral grave. The film also looks at the concept of Original Sin. Religion, heritage, death, love…..

    Charles R. Hale debuted his short film “The Death of Baby Florence” at Irish American Writers and Artists’ Salon at The Cell April 17. The film focuses on Hale’s search to learn the burial place of his maternal grandparents’ third child and his attempt to honor their pain. For religious reasons–the child wasn’t baptized–she was denied burial with her family. Hale traces the issue of Original Sin from St. Augustine, through eighteenth century Ireland and New York City to the baby’s death in 1925. The film runs for eight minutes.


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