Happy New Year from New York Irish Arts! and: Nuala Kennedy Trio

How It’s New York:  The ball comes down in Times Square, and people all over the world watch when the clock strikes midnight here.
How It’s Irish:  It’s a party!  And who do we know that loves parties?

Welcome back!  Family visits kept me from posting last week, but we hope to make 2012 a banner year for NYIA (pronounced:  Nigh-ah, but nyeah works too).

Flutist Nuala Kennedy had a small do at her home on New Year’s Eve.  Along with a beer-soaked train ride to get there and fireworks on the roof there were also some lovely tunes.  What a nice way to begin the year.

You can hear the Nuala Kennedy Trio this week– that includes Dana Lyn (fiddle/viola) and Kyle Sanna (guitar):   

Fri 6th Jan,The Living Room, Ludlow St. , 7 -8

Sunday 8th Jan , Caffe Vivaldi, 8.30pm-9.30pm

(that’s where we caught Dana and Kyle’s album launch of “The Hare Said a Prayer to the Rainbow and Followed the Fox Down the Hole” just before Thanksgiving!)

What did you do?  Hear any tunes?  Play any?   Tell us!


  1. .Re the Times Square Bal….HOW IT’S IRISH: The current incarnation (the sixth since its inception in 1907) is made by Waterford Crystal!
    Happy New Year Gwen!….

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