How it’s New York: Who in New York doesn’t have/use/hate macs?
How it’s Irish: Steve Jobs, no; Michael Fassbender, yes

Michael Fassbender can add another successful role to his already stunning achievements as an actor in his new film “Steve Jobs”.
Fassbender completely inhabits the role and I totally believed he was Steve Jobs.
He managed to pull off the difficult task of showing you how Steve Jobs would think through a problem and come up with ideas that were to make Apple the company it is today. I was curious to see how a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin would work with director Danny Boyle’s style and although not always as gracefully matched as Sorkin was with David Fincher (The Social Network) it worked very well here. The film was very entertaining, fast paced and visually beautiful. There were great supporting roles by Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels.
I read the book this film was based on, Walter Isaacson’s biography “Steve Jobs”, although this film ends at the introduction of the Mac and does not include the groudbreaking Iphone release. I was surprised how the film was able to show the humorous side of Steve Jobs in a way that the book failed to do. This film succeeds in taking us behind the scenes and into the mind of Steve Jobs. It’s well worth a trip to the theater to see.
According to Michael Fassbender’s Wikipedia page he has stated it’s “family lore,” that his mother is the great-grand-niece of Michael Collins, an Irish leader during the War of Independence.” Michael Fassbender’s mother, Adele, is from Larne, County Antrim, in Northern Ireland. He’s an Irish-German actor who will someday win an Academy Award, it may just be for this performance.