How it’s New York: At the Irish Arts Center in New York City
How it’s Irish: Presented by Irish theatre troupe Malaprop
Opening on October 27th, Malaprop Theatre’s “Hothouse” at the Irish Arts Center will continue through November 17th. It’s a wonderful carnival ride of a show that addresses our worst fears of climate change, and family dysfunction in a candy box world of dystopian idealism.

I was blown away by the diversity of the cast and the writing, with a truly inclusive approach to the portrayal of the characters. This made for some tough challenges for the actors, with delightfully hysterical results. Their terrific characterizations and lighting quick changes will bemuse and surpise you! One moment a mother, and the next a full on Vegas showgirl, then a cigar smoking Brooklyn accented billionaire. The entire cast is energitic, balletic, brash and hilarious, but also intense, sweet and mysterious.

It’s never easy to cushion the desparate state of climate change, but it’s great to have it made a bit easier to take when its shrouded in tinsel and feathers. You will be on the edge of your seat wondering what comes next, and alternately thinking, crying or laughing when it arrives.
Get your tickets here before they run out!