How it’s New York: Besides being the hotbed of Irish influenced art, New York is also the capital of the Irish business scene, and no business scene is more plugged into arts and culture than the Irish. And this organization has thrived in NYC since Secretariat won the Belmont Stakes.
How it’s Irish: This group has grown and evolved to support a wide range of not only business but non-profit and cultural interests in the tri-state area. It welcomes Irish newly arrived and Irish American several generation removed from the Auld Sod through regular business networking events and community outreach. Join them when they celebrate on Wednesday, November 13 at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers.
New York’s oldest Irish networking organization, The Irish Business Organization of New York (IBO) will commemorate its 40th Anniversary in festive style

on Wednesday, November 13 at the Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers, a spectacular setting overlooking the Hudson River. Kicking-off at 6:30 pm, the evening will include a cocktail hour, buffet dinner, live music, a few surprises and award presentations two very special honorees.
With Loretta Brennan Glucksman as award presenter, the IBO will honor Senator George Mitchell with its IBO Global Leader Award for his tireless work and leadership role in the Northern Ireland peace process. In addition, the Arthur Clements Award will go to photographer James Higgins, chronicler of New York’s Irish scene.
The effort to organize and promote the anniversary event is led by the current IBO president Sheila Lynott-Hourican and a committee of IBO past presidents, co-chaired by Attracta Lyndon and Bernadette McManus.
“Celebrating what the IBO has accomplished over 40 years, from the brain child of a few Irish immigrants, to the oldest, most prestigious Irish networking organization in New York is just exhilarating,”
said McManus, one of the 15 of 21 IBO past presidents who will attend the IBO 40th Anniversary Celebration.

Founded in 1973, The IBO is a not-for-profit, non-denominational organization which promotes, fosters and advances the business interests of Irish and Irish American business people in the tri-state area and beyond. The IBO holds monthly networking breakfasts and evening meetings which have drawn such speakers as Taoiseach Enda Kenny, New York City government officials, CEOs of major international corporations, as well as prominent IBO members. The IBO also organizes social events and outings such as the recent trip to The Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University and an annual golf tournament.
Through fundraising efforts such as the IBO Golf Classic, the IBO is major supporter of Irish causes and charities in the region including the key Irish centers, Irish based-international humanitarian aid organizations, members in need and such vital efforts such as the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform and the Irish Days of Action in Rockaways to aid in post-Sandy recovery.
To purchase tickets to There are also advertising and sponsorship opportunities available.