

DR2 103 East 15th Street, New York, NY, United States

Set in Dublin in the 1960s, Da is Hugh Leonard’s Tony-winning classic memory play. Charlie returns to his childhood home after his father’s funeral only to find the stubborn patriarch’s ghost unwilling to leave the house.  As Charlie rummages through his father’s belongings, he surrenders to his own memories, both hilarious and wrenching, as the complexity […]



DR2 103 East 15th Street, New York, NY, United States

Set in Dublin in the 1960s, Da is Hugh Leonard’s Tony-winning classic memory play. Charlie returns to his childhood home after his father’s funeral only to find the stubborn patriarch’s ghost unwilling to leave the house.  As Charlie rummages through his father’s belongings, he surrenders to his own memories, both hilarious and wrenching, as the complexity […]
