The UK’s coronavirus lockdown forced the April race to be delayed for six months, and only a handful of
runners, all elite, will be taking part on the official course around St James’s Park in central London.
The 45,000 other participants will run or walk a marathon (26.2 miles, or 42km) at a time and place of
their choosing on Sunday, logging their progress on an app to make their time official and secure a
much-revered medal. If there is an advantage, it’s that people from around UK, and across the world,
can make their front door the start and finish line.
Gill Silverthorn has had a few odd looks from people while preparing for her proxy London Marathon,
which will take place along coastal paths and promenades around Penzance, Cornwall.
Gill, a semi-retired shop owner who lives in Sennen Cove, laughs as she describes the facial expressions
of three construction workers who saw her out running earlier this week – in her 10kg rhino costume.
“They probably thought they’d had one too many beers last night,” the 60-year-old says.While it might
be a comical sight to behold, wearing the costume is no laughing matter.