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Associated Chamber Music Players (ACMP) Virtual Worldwide Play-In Schedule of Events

March 20, 2021 - March 21, 2021

Associated Chamber Music Players (ACMP)’s annual chamber music jamming weekend, the Worldwide Play-In Weekend, will be held virtually this year on March 20 and 21, 2021. Each March, this grassroots event unites people of all ages and abilities through their common love of chamber music in honoring J.S. Bach during the month of his birth. ACMP is seeking chamber musicians to participate in and host Play-Ins. Join musicians around the globe in making joyous music together and organize your own Play-In event on JamKazam, Jamulus, SonoBus, Zoom, or any other virtual music session software of your choice. With repertoire ranging from J.S. Bach to Terry Riley, thus far there are eleven open sessions: six on Jamulus, two on JamKazam, one on JackTrip and two on Zoom; and at least eleven private sessions sponsored by ACMP members and grantees. Register your Play-In and see up-to-date info about all Play-In events at docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/107xYO-Iqkk-1KuTAStQxjCjbBNyN64p4MYl4CKQCJJM/edit?usp=sharing


Open Session: Opportunity to Watch:
Bach’s Musical Offering on JamKazam!
March 21, 2021 at 3pm EDT
J.S. Bach’s Birthday!

The Princeton Symphony Orchestra’s Assistant Conductor (and ACMP member) Nell Flanders is curating a Play-In of J.S. Bach’s “A Musical Offering” with amateur chamber music players from all over the world on JamKazam. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbks2J30FiM

Open Session: Opportunity to Listen:
Monday March 22, 2021 at 10am JAPAN STANDARD TIME (Sunday, March 21, 8pm EDT)
Platform: Jamulus
Session host: Triton Chamber Ensemble (Tokyo)
Finding the session: Go into Jamulus and look for a Japanese server with musicians on it at 8pm EDT on March 

Big Open Sessions: Opportunities to Play Along:
ACMP Jamulus Jamboree!
March 20, 2021 at 2pm EDT
Platform: Jamulus
Session hosts: ACMP’s Executive Director Stephanie Griffin with Michael Tietz
All instruments, repertoire to be announced on Friday, March 19
RSVP by Wednesday, March 17: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TRVVP7L

ACMP Untitled Ensemble’s Toronto Server
March 20, 2021 at 5:30pm to 9:30pm EDT
Platform: JackTrip
Session host: Untitled Ensemble, Beth
Piece/Instrumentation: To view and download music visit dropbox.com/sh/6aaobkcg1yqf0cd/AABdN5vJh21tYHavT2x5EEQ2a?dl=0 
Finding the session: Facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/h9uQyviH3. 

Saturday Night “In C” on Zoom
March 20, 2021 at 8pm EDT
Join ACMP for the Zoom premiere (we think!) of Terry Riley’s “American Minimalist “and community music-making classic “In C’ (1964). RSVP on Eventbrite at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/saturday-night-in-c-on-zoom-tickets-145727381521 

Terry Riley’s “In C” on Zoom
March 21, 2021 at 11am EDT
Not many pieces of great ensemble music can work on Zoom, but Terry Riley’s “In C” is an American Minimalist classic from 1964 that is also the ultimate piece for community music-making: it can be played by people of all skill levels on any instruments or voice types. RSVP on Eventbrite at: eventbrite.com/e/playing-terry-rileys-in-c-on-zoom-tickets-144953392499

West Coast Café
March 21, 2021 at 1pm PDT (4pm EDT) 
Platform: Jamulus
Session host: Christina Wolf, Jamulus profile name: CWolf
Geographic location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Piece/Instrumentation: Mozart Symphony no. 40 (download the version with clarinets from IMSLP)
Finding the session: type in the private server name seattle-music.allyn into the search field at the bottom of the Connection Set-up Menu

More Intimate Open Sessions: Opportunities to Play Along (by RSVP):
ACMP-DCCM Mozart K414
March 20, 2021 at 1pm EDT
Platform: JamKazam
Session host: JamKazam user: Susan Alexander
Geographic location: Washington, DC
Piece/Instrumentation: Mozart Piano Concerto in A major K. 414 arranged for string quartet and bass; oboes and horns welcome
Finding the session: Search for ACMP-DCCM Mozart K414 in JamKazam “Open Sessions” and PLEASE RSVP.

Phyllis Kaiden
March 20, 2021 at 11am PDT (2pm EDT) 
Platform: Jamulus
Session host: Phyllis Kaiden
Piece/Instrumentation: Mozart string quartet k464, Peter’s edition, on IMSLP 
Finding the session: vivacenw.com, RSVP here

West Coast Café
March 20, 2021 at 3pm PDT (6pm EDT)
Platform: Jamulus
Session host: Christina Wolf, Jamulus profile name: CWolf
Geographic location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada 
Piece/Instrumentation: Mendelssohn Op. 44 No. 1
Finding the session: type in the private server name seattle-music.allyn into the search field at the bottom of the Connection Set-up Menu, RSVP here

Phyllis Kaiden
March 21, 2021 at 10am PDT (1pm EDT) 
Platform: Jamulus
Session host: Phyllis Kaiden
Piece/Instrumentation: Spohr Nonet op.31 for winds and strings, on IMSLP with measure numbers
Finding the session: vivacenw.com, RSVP here

To view a live document of sessions and to sign up, visit docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/107xYO-Iqkk-1KuTAStQxjCjbBNyN64p4MYl4CKQCJJM/edit?usp=sharing. 

Learn how to use Jamulus, JamKazam, and SonoBus with Phyllis Kaiden with this walkthrough video. 

Connect with other chamber music players by
Joining the ACMP Members Group on Facebook to post real-time Play-In updates
Signing up on Jamulus and adding “ACMP” to your profile name
Signing up on JamKazam and including “ACMP” in the session title, listing the session on ACMP’s Events Page, and posting in the Forum

For more information, visit acmp.net/wpiw. 

About ACMP – Associated Chamber Music Players
For the past 72 years, ACMP has provided support and services to people who are passionate about playing chamber music. ACMP believes that chamber music playing provides a unique opportunity for cultural participation and engagement. By creating opportunities and resources for people to play music together in small ensembles, skills are sharpened, communities are enriched, connections are made and lives are changed. Since the organization began, ACMP has helped chamber music players find one another to share and play music together through a variety of networking programs. More than 2,300 members come from every part of the world and share one interest: the love of making music with others. Most recent initiatives use technology to help players connect and provide access to online coaching. The ACMP Foundation was founded in the 1990s and has contributed more than $4 million to foster the playing of chamber music for people of all ages and skill levels. Grants support chamber music workshops and programs for adult amateurs and children and focus on coaching fees and/or initiatives that reduce the registration cost for participants.


March 20, 2021
March 21, 2021


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