How it’s New York: The reading is taking place at the Dweck Center, in the Brooklyn library. 
How it’s Irish: Samuel Beckett! Irish, even though he often wrote in French. And if you’ve ever heard the work of Conor Lovett of Gare St. Lazare theatre, you know already that the sentences make sense and are much funnier when delivered in an Irish way of speaking (deadpan comic lines etc;).
Kevin Holohan , Honor Molloy, and Maeve Price were all raised in Dublin. Kevin and Honor write for this ‘zine!
As you might already know, I am never wholly comfortable with the tourist board clichéd paddywhackery that often attends St. Patrick’s Day. So what better way to mark these rejoicings than a celebration of the least clichéd, least paddywhakerish Irish writer imaginable, Mr. Samuel Beckett? We will be airing some of his prose works this coming Saturday, works that beg to be read out loud and, once heard, dispel the “difficult” reputation that tweedy academics would wrap him up in. Details below. If you are in around, would love to see you there.
Saturday, March 14, 2015 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Central Library, Dweck Center
Admisssion FREE
Samuel Beckett was not only a modernist, he was a Dubliner. This is demonstrated by his insistence on language and the extremity of human experience found in his work. Kevin Holohan, Honor Molloy, and Maeve Price—all born and raised in Dublin—bring their voices to selections from Watt,Murphy, Molloy, and some of the shorter works. Together, they reveal the music, humor and desolation inherent in Beckett’s work.