1. Who is Stephanie Silber?

2. What are you working on at the moment?
Currently, I am happily working on my first love, which is fiction. Specifically, I am working on a short story collection. I am also focusing on acquiring representation for both my first novel, the coming of age story Other People’s Houses, and my more recent work, a psychological thriller, The Dark Side of Time.
I will be reading from The Lemon Tree at the Artists Without Walls Showcase at The Cell Theatre, Feb. 26, 7PM.
4. What are five things you can’t live without?
- Love
- Work
- Art
- Nature
- The opportunity for personal growth.
5. Your favorite quote at the moment and why?
“Everything begins and ends in exactly the right time and place.” –Miranda, from Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock. A favorite because it’s resonantly true in my life and work.
I’ve been blessed and lucky to have worked with my partner and husband, the filmmaker Vic Zimet because we share our deepest sensibilities. As to marquee names, my current idol is Kathryn Bigelow. She doesn’t shy away from intricate stories that pack a mighty punch.
7. If you had the opportunity to ask someone when you were starting out for advice, who would you have asked and what would you have asked?
I suppose I may have asked Stephen King how he keeps those stories coming so thick and fast.
8. If you could dream about trying out something you haven’t tried out in the arts yet, what would that be?
Who wouldn’t want to front a rock and roll band? I have an unfortunate voice, but I can dance like Mick Jagger!
9. What was the best gift that someone gave you that inspired or facilitated an interest in your art.
My parents gifted me with an easel when I was ten, and I painted for many years, not well, but with a pleasant right-brain induced buzz. Further, my parents instilled in me my love for books.
Website: www.artistswithoutwalls.com
© Artists Without Walls, LLC